Name | Customers | Vehicles | Depots | Download | Description |
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You can use WinRAR to decompress the file on Windows.
Our instances can be downloaded in three formats:
Our instances can be downloaded in three formats:
- XML file: structured text file formatted using the extensible markup language XML. You can use the free XML editor XMLMarker on Windows platforms.
- Simple text file: a flat file where the data is represented as tables, separated in a few sections. For large instances, you can use ConTEXT instead of Notepad.
- Excel file: a spreadsheet that can be read with Excel or OpenOffice.
OTHER FORMATS. TSPLIB is a library of sample instances for the TSP (and related problems) from various sources and of various types. There are a few extensions (here and there) to this file format to take into account single time windows, compatibility of customers and vehicles, etc.
OTHER INSTANCES. The other VRP instances available are more theoretical and further from reality than the instances we propose here. The Solomon instances are probably the most famous problems used in many VRPTW benchmarks. There are also variants and extensions to these instances.
VRP SOFTWARE BENCHMARKS. The Vehicle Routing Software Survey, published by OR/MS, presents the routing compagnies, their softwares and their capabilities to solve the real world problems, based on a questionnaire sent to the vendors.
- TSP: traveling salesman problem
- VRP: vehicle routing problem
- CVRP: capacitated vehicle routing problem
- VRPTW: vehicle routing problem with time windows
- CVRPTW: capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows
- MDVRP: multidepot vehicle routing problem